Wawela Cancer Support has been advocating for the cancer community for 21 plus years.
We understand the value of consuming natures whole foods and herbs as a means to provide the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins to aid the process of nourishing healthy cells while eradicating free radicals.
With newly Cancer diagnosis on the rise, we believe there's a great need for integrative therapy. Which is why we have formed a collaborative network with Holistic professionals, wellness coaches and nutritionist as an aide to combat disease and sickness such as cancer.
We have designed a pilot program that allows individuals seeking Holistic therapy to treat their symptoms by seeking financial support from their families, friends and the community to assist them with out of pocket expenses not covered by insurance.
Our first candidate is Cassandra Smith, through this pilot program, she will be able to receive the following services just to name a few:
We are so excited to join Cassandra in her wellness journey and invite you to be a part as well.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
WAWELA ~ All is Well!
Several years ago, I discovered the natural remedies of medicine. By the Grace of God, some of my needs were met and I've been accepted into the Wawela Wellness Service Program. I discovered that faith in God truly does move obstacles out of the way, but I'm not able to accomplish this alone...because this Program is Holistic, I've had to take a proactive approach to medicine
Medical treatments are a temporary fix to a long term condition. Our goal is to get to the root cause of sickness and disease. We use a simple yet effective approach in guiding our clients to healing the body with natural remedies, supplements and nutritional whole foods.
WAWELA Cancer Support programs are intended for general educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for medical, mental or nutritional advice from a physician, therapist, mental health practitioner, dietitian or nutritionist, or any other health-care or wellness professional. Do not disregard or delay taking or seeking any medical advice or any medication, or other professional advice based on the information contained in the curriculum. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or health professional before undertaking or changing any physical activity.
"Infirmity and sickness, at any age, is the direct result of loading up the body with food which contains no vitality, and at the same time allowing the intestines to remain loaded with waste matter."
An unhealthy colon can lead to numerous health and digestive problems. Common issues include fatigue or weakness, headaches, bloating and poor digestion, and overall ill-health. Stress, diet, medications, and other lifestyle issues can further contribute to toxin buildup in the colon and digestive tract, which further exacerbates symptoms.
The non-harmonious oscillations (movement back and forth at regular speed) are inverted and returned back to the body as therapeutically effective information. The inverted oscillations cancel out the distorted signals and stimulate the cells to oscillate in a healthy mode
The cells of our body produce electrical impulses that communicate with neighboring cells. Cells continuously emit and respond to these signals. These signals are in the form of oscillations or vibrations and the oscillation pattern has been found to differ between a healthy organ or tissue and a sick organ. Oscillations from a cell affected with infections, toxins, and waste also have a different pattern than from a healthy and pure cell.
In healthy cells the signals are unimpeded and resonate in a harmonious manner with other cells in the body. If pathogens (i.e. toxins, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.) attack a cell then the signal coming from the cell becomes distorted. The signal profiles are measured through the sensors that the patient holds in their hands.
Distorted signals coming from damaged, unhealthy or cells burdened with toxins and infections consist of harmonious and non-harmonious oscillations. A so-called molecular-absorption-circuit within the bio-resonance machine filters out the distorted part of the signal.
Metabolomic analysis enables clinicians/transformational coaches to view a larger picture of health by evaluating the function of key metabolic pathways to provide better targeted support and lifestyle changes for a truly personalized approach.
Each functional wellness test contains everything necessary, including detailed instructions on how to noninvasively collect a urine sample and send it in for analysis. A report with the results contains a unique, in-depth assessment of many key areas of biochemistry and metabolism essential for human health, including the following:
Genomic Spotlight uses advanced machine learning via the Opus23 informatics platform to allow clinicians/transformational coaches a unique insight into a client’s or patient’s genomics. Using a simple buccal collection, this test reports an array of the most clinically significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a multitude of domains in one comprehensive functional DNA test that evaluates eight key areas of health.
Genomic Spotlight using Opus23 identifies how the function of one gene or SNP impacts the expression and function of a separately related gene or SNP, and ultimately a subject’s physiology. Using this platform, clinicians can customize reports with an interactive dashboard that curates a subject’s genomic data in “real-time” by using the latest literature databases and meta-data sets providing relevant information on nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle changes that can proactively influence a subject’s gene expression and function, and ultimately their health and well-being.
How does this test benefit the client or patient?
The GI Spotlight functional wellness test analysis provides an in-depth look into the health of the gut microbiome. The resulting report contains a unique, comprehensive assessment into many of the key microbes that are essential for human physiology and overall wellness.
This information on this website is only intended to be general summary information for public use. This information does not replace written law or regulations, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a medical condition, always seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified health professional.
All coaching services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by Patricia McCoy, Brenda Gray, and Stephanie Jeffrey (your “Coach”), as well as information set forth on this website (www.wawela.org) are meant to help you identify the areas in your life and in your thinking that may be standing in your way. However, coaching is not professional mental health care or medical care. If you feel psychologically stressed to the point that it is interfering with your ability to function, please have the courage to seek the help you need in the form of a professional counselor.
In that spirit, by purchasing coaching services from your Coach, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement and that you wish to proceed:
Earthing is to sync the body to the natural rhythms of the earth. We envision a future where everybody understands how essential it is to be connected to the earth in order to restore and maintain health.
The earth beneath your feet provides you with food and water. It gives you a surface to sit, stand, walk, run, swim, climb, play, and build on. It also provides you with something very surprising - electrons. When you touch the ground with your bare feet or body, the electrons flow into you. This is called being “grounded.”
WE (WAWELA Cancer Support) ARE NOT MEDICAL DOCTORS: therefore, we do not diagnose illness or prescribe pharmaceuticals. We are an awareness and information organization and make suggestions relating to nutrition. None of the information offered here is intended to replace any program that your medical doctor has prescribed for you, nor does it intend to conflict with any pharmaceutical medication you are taking.
I was introduced to the natural remedies of medicine several years ago, and since being diagnosed with breast cancer, I have chosen to take the holistic approach to healing and recovery. Click the button below to learn more about Cassandra's health and wellness journey.
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