Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
One sister's dream becomes another sisters vision.
Darnetta Jones was the founder of WAWELA Cancer Support.
She was born and raised in the small city of Barstow, California along with her 9 siblings. She was the mother of three wonderful children, at the time she also had three grandchildren.
In 1997 she developed breast cancer, underwent a series of surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. In 2002 she was declared to be in remission. During her journey she could not find any support group that offered the emotional assistance so she drafted up a written program that would not only offer emotional support but financial, spiritual also economical support and name the program WAWELA.
Later in 2002 she developed Metastatic Breast Cancer which was very aggressive. She sought out alternative ways to fight off the disease, but because of lack of knowledge she was not successful and passed away the following year, February 6, 2003.
She was quite the visionary, with a passion to help others that were facing physical and financial crisis due to their chronic illness.
Her vision was written very clear with specific instructions on how to overcome the disparities many men and women face during their most difficult moments.
One word sums it all up and that is UNITY.
Her vision has touched many lives over the past 15 years and continues to spread throughout the country.
I have always had a passion for helping others. Through the many struggles that I have faced in life, I began to embrace them as stepping stones to be a beacon of light to others.
My sister's vision to have her own support group/organization was not revealed to me until after she had passed away. As I was thumbing through one of her many bibles that I received as a keep sake, a piece of paper slipped out, in which naturally I took it upon myself to read.
What I thought to be just a simple page of thoughts that she a jotted down, turned out to be a rough draft of her organization she intended to spearhead. I was moved by how passionately her words were well expressed and was compelled to pick up torch and carry it to it's completion.
For the first ten years I advocated the importance of early detection, spear headed several prevention campaigns, then the unimaginable happened to me. In 2012 my spouse of 12 years passed away from pancreatic cancer, roughly eight months later April 5, 2013 I developed breast cancer (invasive lobular carcinoma). This experience changed my life forever!
I personally experienced the life of living with cancer, undergoing multiple surgeries, treatment, loss of income and employment, all in a 5 year time span. Yet I remain hopeful that one day cancer will be eradicated.
My mission to educate anyone who would listen that according to the US National Library of Medicine states that "Cancer is a preventable that requires major lifestyle changes"
I am living proof that the above statement is true, I made simple modifications to my environment and my lifestyle, as result I have been afforded a life of living cancer free.
Come journey with me if you will and let's Heal Our Community, one life at a time.
WAWELA ~ All is Well!
I was introduced to the natural remedies of medicine several years ago, and since being diagnosed with breast cancer, I have chosen to take the holistic approach to healing and recovery. Click the button below to learn more about Cassandra's health and wellness journey.
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